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Living With Depression

Depression/anxiety is an incredibly difficult illness to describe to anyone who has never suffered. Trying to explain to someone how your mind is constantly working against you with negative thoughts or thoughts so far from reality they have you questioning your sanity feels impossible. As a sufferer you are constantly asking yourself "What is wrong with me?" and fearing that if you did admit the truth to people about what is going on in your head they would walk away or tell you to simply get over it. I've lost count of the number of people who have said "They're just thoughts, ignore them!!!"

And essentially, as much as I hate to admit it, they are just thoughts and with practice, patience and perseverance I believe we can control our thoughts. However, constantly arguing, fighting, questioning yourself about what you are thinking and why you are thinking it can be just as damaging as depression itself. It takes an incredible amount of energy to keep up a positive mindset and questioning your thoughts when you have depression that there is often very little left in terms of energy to be able to achieve any thing else in your day.


As a counsellor I urge those who are suffering to seek help. From a personal point of view I would say to seek help from someone who has experienced depression/anxiety. So when you can't find the words to describe how you feel they understand, when you just don't have the energy to speak they understand, when you feel so alone and lost you know that you are not there by yourself. I truly believe that counselling can and will help.

With love & kindness


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